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The department provides a very vibrant Ph.D. program. Diverse research groups led by internationally trained faculty members are dedicated to carrying out cutting edge research in basic and applied fields of chemistry including materials science, chemical biology, organic and organometallic chemistry, theoretical chemistry, spectroscopy and crystallography. The goal of the Ph.D. program is to produce independent, creative scientists who are ready to take on the scientific challenges of the future.


  • M.Sc./M.Tech. Degree in the relevant discipline with a minimum of 60% marks or CGPA/CPI of 7.0 on a 10 point scale.
    If the transcript/grade sheet issued by the Institute/University reports:
    • Only marks, percentage will be considered.
    • Only grades, CGPA/CPI will be considered. If CGPA/CPI is reported on any scale other than 10 (eg. 4 point/ 8 point scale), an equivalent CGPA/CPI
      will be calculated as per the following formula:
          CGPA/CPI in a 10 point scale = (CGPA/CPI Obtained×10)/PS
          PS = Point scale used by the Institute/University.
    • Both marks and CGPA/CPI
      • Percentage equivalent of CGPA/CPI, as indicated on the transcript/gradesheet, will be considered, if absolute grading was followed.
      • CGPA/CPI ONLY will be considered, if relative grading was followed.
  • Exceptionally brilliant B.Tech./MBBS/MCA can also apply (For Biological Sciences only)
    Exceptionally brilliant B.Tech. in Chemical and Environmental engineering can also apply (For Earth and Environmental Sciences only).
  • Additionally, a valid GATE/UGC/CSIR/JEST/ICMR (JRF category I)/DBT (JRF A category)/NBHM/JGEEBILS or any other recognized score is
    mandatory. The certificate/fellowship MUST be valid at the time of admission.

 Students whose results for CSIR-UGC NET Fellowship or ICMR-JRF category-I or DBT-JRF A category or Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship or INSPIRE-Ph.D.
or any other equivalent fellowship are awaited may also apply with their roll number(s) mentioned in the application. Such candidates may walk in for
the interview provided they have qualified examination for any of the above fellowship before the interview date.

Age: Preferably not more than 28 years as on January 01, 2016. Age relaxation of 5 years will be given for SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/PH/Female applicants.

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